Advancing Next-Generation Precision Therapies

Immune, Inflammatory and Fibrotic Diseases

Represent a significant unmet need that can lead to chronic organ damage and dysfunction due to abnormal immune responses and persistent inflammation. These conditions often result in debilitating symptoms and a diminished quality of life for patients.

Precision Medicine Approach

We anticipate leveraging advanced machine learning to identify patients with elevated PDE4 activity to enhance the responder population in our lead program targeting Ulcerative Colitis. By pinpointing key markers of colitis through RNA sequencing and meta-analysis, we hope to identify top PDE4-effector genes, which would enable us to predict potential patient responses to PDE4 inhibitors, ensuring targeting and effective treatment.

Development Programs

Differentiated prodrug candidates initially targeting established IBD market with potential to address shortcomings of existing therapies

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Ulcerative Colitis


IND/CTA-enabling tox studies completed and CTA submitted

Rapidly advancing towards first patient dosed in Phase 1 of healthy and UC patients in 2024


Fibro Stenotic Crohn’s Disease


Significant overlap with PALI-2108

POC for fibrosis pathway engagement completed

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